Sculpt Bodywork LLC

Sculpting a mind-body connection through massage and bodywork

Massage Therapy

Elevate your massage experience with 15 minute intakes, Full-length treatment sessions designed around your needs, aromatherapy and advanced massage techniques to reach your self-care goals. Allow Sculpt Bodywork to hold space for you.

May 5th Open House. Click the image below to RSVP.

We are meeting at the Aero Club 9901 NE 7th AVE C200 Vancouver, WA 98685

Discover Your Why

Lets set goals and discover your why-

This Year Sculpt Bodywork will be your guide to self-care, Let us help you understand what postural and body mechanics are holding you back from your full potential.

Full Length appointment with Zero Cost Add-on’s included with every treatment. Appointments include 15-20 minutes for Intake and end time to each treatment. Please arrive to your appointment 10 minutes early or on time.

Kaleen is passionate about helping others find relief and avoid burnout. She is fascinated with kinesiology and the human body. She looks at the whole body through postural analysis, range of motion evaluation, palpating assessment as well as muscle testing. Kaleen works with each client to make personal goals to see improvements in your daily life. Each treatment is uniquely made as we all use our bodies differently. You will find Root Pain Relief, Grounding, Balance, Full-body Healing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Self-Love, Improved Mobility and Range of Motion with Sculpt Bodywork.