
Massage Therapist

Kaleen Pruitt MA#60784715


9901 NE 7th ave Building B STE 225 Vancouver, WA 98685





I want you to have the most success in finding the Sculpt Bodywork Studio. If you need assistance please contact us. 

Our office is located at 9901 Building B (this is the second of two parking lots). 

*If you're driving West from I-5 you can turn Right onto 9th Ave and take the second left into the parking lot.

*If your driving East on 99th ST avoid the light and take the shortcut: Take a Left on 6th Ave, Then take a Right on 101st ST (there is an entrance to the parking lot on the Right from 101st ST. 

Parking is most commonly found on the West side of the Aero Club and across the street from the Harley Hall (the big building with the flag). Please avoid parking in reserved parking spaces. You may also find free street parking available on 101st and 9th Ave.


*By appointment only

Tuesday 9 AM - 4 PM

Thursday 9 AM - 4 PM

Friday 9 AM - 4 PM

Saturday 9 PM - 6 PM

